Tom Hanks Yale University Commencement Speech

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Amy Poehler: You Can’t Do It Alone (2011)

Good afternoon thank you for that beautiful award and for giving me a symbol of an animal that is one its way to extinction. I will find a prominent place in my garbage for that later on tonight. thank you very much.

Friends Romans Countrymen, lend me your beers. I am honored that you chose me to help you celebrate your graduation today. I can only assume I am here today because of my subtle and layered work in a timeless classic entitled «Deuce Bigelow: Male gigolo». And for that I say, you’re welcome. I’m truly, truly delighted to be her at Harvard . I graduated from Boston College. Which some call the Harvard of Boston.

But we all know that Harvard is the Harvard of Harvard. And you can quote me on that. I have to admit I am very surprised to be here because like so many of you, I was pretty convinced the Rapture was going to happen. Show of hands, How many of you woke up on Sunday and thought: You’re kidding me! I sold all of my belongings I told my boss to shove it and we are still here? I understand how you feel. I am so mad at Heaven right now. So I tried to write today’s speech the way I wrote everything in College. Stayed up all night, typing on a Canon word processor while listening to Sir Mixalot. to be fair, first I took a nap, I ate a large pretzel, I cried a little bit and then I went to see that movie, Fast Five. Читать далее

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Amy Poehler Harvard University Commencement Speech

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J. M. Coetzee: He and his man (2003)

But to return to my new companion. I was greatly delighted with him, and made it my business to teach him everything that was proper to make him useful, handy, and helpful; but especially to make him speak, and understand me when I spoke; and he was the aptest scholar there ever was.

— Daniel Defoe, Robinson Crusoe

Boston, on the coast of Lincolnshire, is a handsome town, writes his man. The tallest church steeple in all of England is to be found there; sea-pilots use it to navigate by. Around Boston is fen country. Bitterns abound, ominous birds who give a heavy, groaning call loud enough to be heard two miles away, like the report of a gun.

The fens are home to many other kinds of birds too, writes his man, duck and mallard, teal and widgeon, to capture which the men of the fens, the fen-men, raise tame ducks, which they call decoy ducks or duckoys.

Fens are tracts of wetland. There are tracts of wetland all over Europe, all over the world, but they are not named fens, fen is an English word, it will not migrate.

These Lincolnshire duckoys, writes his man, are bred up in decoy ponds, and kept tame by being fed by hand. Then when the season comes they are sent abroad to Holland and Germany. In Holland and Germany they meet with others of their kind, and, seeing how miserably these Dutch and German ducks live, how their rivers freeze in winter and their lands are covered in snow, fail not to let them know, in a form of language which they make them understand, that in England from where they come the case is quite otherwise: English ducks have sea shores full of nourishing food, tides that flow freely up the creeks; they have lakes, springs, open ponds and sheltered ponds; also lands full of corn left behind by the gleaners; and no frost or snow, or very light. Читать далее

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Sue Monk Kidd: Necessary Fire (2010)

I am so happy to add my voice to my daughter’s and tell you what an honor it is to be at Scripps College and to offer a commencement address, along with her. About all a commencement speaker can really do is to suggest a couple of things that she believes really matters. And Ann has offered this idea, along with your senior speaker, I think. It was a very similar idea, in fact. That it is important, that it matters, to listen to what is inside of yourself and discover your necessary fire, and that, in fact, this may be the way your particular genius is found.

What I’d like to add to that is that your necessary fire is not only necessary for you, it is necessary to the world itself. Years ago, I came upon a memorable line by the writer Fredrik Beatner. «You are called to the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.» I would even go so far as to say that one of the more powerful outbreaks of happiness and meaning in your life will occur when you pair your passion and the world’s need.

Even as a child, my passion was writing. I felt back then, that I had found my small true light. Later on, of course, I lost it. Actually it was more like turning my back on it and finding something more practical. When I went to college in the sixties you found something that you could fall back on; at 29, however, I began to feel and internal sense of exile, a kind of homesickness, for my own place of belonging in the world. And on the morning of my 30th birthday I announced to my husband and to my two toddlers who were sitting at the table that I was going to become a writer, and they went right on eating their cereal. Читать далее

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Sue Monk Kidd Scripps College Commencement Speech

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Джозеф Кутзее: Он и его слуга (2003)

Но возвращаюсь к моему новому товарищу. Он мне очень нравился, и я вменил себе в обязанность, научить его всему, что могло быть полезным ему, а главное говорить и понимать меня, когда я говорил. Он оказался таким способнейшим учеником…
Даниэль Дефо. Робинзон Крузо

Бостон, что на побережье Линкольншира, город красивый, пишет его слуга. В нем можно видеть высочайшую колокольню Англии — корабельные штурманы прокладывают с ее помощью курс. Вкруг Бостона расстилаются топи. Здесь множество выпей, зловещих птиц, издающих мощные стенания, настолько громкие, что их слышно и за две мили, точно пушечный выстрел.

В болотах, пишет его слуга, немало и прочих птиц — уток и крякв, чирков и свиязей, для поимки коих жители болотного края, болотные люди, воспитывают уток ручных, которых они называют обманками, или обутками.

Топи суть пространства болот. Такие пространства разбросаны по всей Европе, по всему миру даже, только там они называются иначе, чем здесь: не «фенами» — fen слово английское и к перемещеньям не склонное.

Этих линкольнширских обуток, пишет его слуга, держат в особых заводях и приручают, кормя с руки. Потом, когда приходит время, их шлют за границу, в Голландию и в Германию. В Голландии и в Германии они сводят знакомство с себе подобными, и, увидев, сколь жалкое существование влачат голландские либо немецкие утки, как промерзают их реки, как землю их покрывает снег, немедля осведомляют их — на языке, каковой они делают им понятным, — о том, что в Англии, откуда сами они родом, все совершенно наоборот: у английских уток имеются побережья, полные питательной пищи, приливы, привольно всходящие вверх по рекам; у них есть озера, ручьи, заводи открытые и заводи прикрытые, а земля там усыпана зерном, которое оставляют сборщики колосьев; и никаких тебе снегов и морозов, ну разве что самые легонькие. Читать далее

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Suzan-Lori Parks: Believe that the sort of life you wish to live is, at this very moment, just waiting for you to summon it up (2001)

THANK YOU, Graduating Class of 2001, Fellow Honorary Degree Recipients, Distinguished Administration and Faculty, Alumnae, Parents, Family and Friends, thank you all so much for inviting me to speak with you today. I graduated from Mount Holyoke in 1985. Here I am 16 years later. The learned faculty is seated there behind me, and so, before I get into the swing of things, I want to state that any grammatical errors, historical fabrications and inappropriate flights of fancy contained within the following speech are the sole responsibility of the Commencement Speaker and, if found objectionable, should in no way be viewed as an example of the caliber of education one would receive at Mount Holyoke College.

It is commencement and you all are commencing—you are beginning. Today is your birthday. Its a sort of birthday for me too: this is my first honorary degree. You are sitting there looking forward into me and I’m standing here looking forward into you. I’ll be your mirror for a few minutes, if you’ll be mine. All of us together, we are commencing. It is the beginning of things, its also the end of things and Ive brought along 16 SUGGESTIONS which may be of use — as you walk through the rest of your lives.

Suggestions and Advice are funny things. In 1982 I took a creative writing class with James Baldwin. He suggested to me that I try playwrighting and I tried playwrighting and here I am today. That was some good advice. But it wasn’t the best advice I ever got. Читать далее

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Conan O’Brien Harvard Commencement Speech

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Conan O’Brien: Know that your mistakes are your own unique way of getting to where you need to be (2000)

I’d like to begin by thanking the class marshals for inviting me here today. The last time I was invited to Harvard it cost me $110,000. So I was reluctant to show up. I’m going to start before I really begin by announcing my one goal this afternoon. I want to be half as funny as tomorrow’s Commencement speaker, moral philosopher and economist Amartya Sen. That’s the job. Must get more laughs than seminal wage-price theoretician. By the way, enjoy that. Bring a calculator. It’s going to be a nerd fest.

Students of the Harvard class of 2000, 15 years ago I sat where you sit now. And I thought exactly what you are now thinking. What’s going to happen to me? Will I find my place in the world? Am I really graduating a virgin? Still have 24 hours. Roommate’s mom very hot. Swear she’s checking me out. There was that Rob Lowe movie.

Being here today, on a sincere note, is very special for me. I do miss this place. I especially miss Harvard Square. Let me tell you, (you don’t know this) Harvard Square is unique. Nowhere else in the world will you find a man wearing a turban and a Red Sox jacket working in a lesbian bookstore. I’m just glad my dad’s working.

It’s particularly sweet for me to be here today because—this is true—when I graduated I wanted very badly to be a Class Day speaker. Unfortunately, my speech was rejected. So if you’ll indulge me I’d like to read a portion of that speech. This is the actual speech from 15 years ago. Читать далее

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